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Dumb Waiter Solution Improves Reliability On Vehicle Assembly Line – CS034

The Situation

The customer, a car manufacturer, was having trouble with the decreasing reliability of their car radiator assembly line. This section of the line was automated, and electronically-controlled, and was experiencing an increasing number of breakdowns. Operational downtime on the line could cost the business up to £2.2m every hour.

The Solution

HAYLEY 24/7 DEXIS engineers designed and fit a bespoke dumb waiter system, complete with a 250kg carriage lift. In addition, the team at HAYLEY DEXIS built and installed both a pneumatic control panel and an interlock safety system. During the design process, a number of challenging design requirements were met, including the request to solely use pneumatic power, with no electrics.


The Result

The solution has been a real success for the customer. The reliability of the car radiator assembly line has been improved significantly, with no unplanned downtime being suffered since its implementation. The customer is now considering the proposal by HAYLEY DEXIS to design and install five further dumb waiter systems throughout the facility. The system was comprehensively mapped and colour-coded, to ensure on-site engineers could identify components with ease.

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