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HAYLEY 24/7 DEXIS Provides Spindle Storage Solution To Leading UK Automotive Production Facility – CS015

The Situation

The clients’ body shop operations rely on the use of a number of riveting tools and spindles. They needed a solution to ensure that all spindles were stored correctly, accessible for staff to use, and used at the same rate and for similar durations, to distribute usage-related wear across the inventory.

The Solution

The team at HAYLEY 24/7 DEXIS designed two bespoke frames, able to hold 15 spindles each. Once the design had been accepted, the frames were manufactured from mild steel materials, cut and welded under coded conditions, and plastic-coated to the clients’ specifications. Also, carriers were designed and manufactured by the team, to suspend the spindles from the frame runners. All parts were assembled and load tested in accordance with LOLER regulations, before being installed on-site.


The Result

The completed rack meets the customer’s bespoke requirements, providing them with a storage system that helps assure that spindles are stored correctly and safely. As a result, spindles will no longer suffer unnecessary damage due to improper storage. The solution also provides a FIFO system, to assist with asset management, and in the equal distribution of wear across the inventory. Stored spindles used in the body shop are now easily accessible to staff and can be loaded/unloaded from either side.

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