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HAYLEY DEXIS and Festo Help Plastic Packaging Manufacturer to Improve Reliability of Production Line – CS059

The Situation

An established manufacturer of plastic packaging, was frequently having their operation disrupted by failing valves on their production line. Many of the valves installed across the facility were failing due to age. Although like-for-like modern replacements were available, they were expensive and only available on lengthy lead times.

The Solution

The lead on-site engineer invited HAYLEY DEXIS to visit the facility. A representative from the customer’s local branch brought along an expert from the dedicated fluid power team. The root cause of the issues was identified, with a set of readily available and fully compatible FESTO valves offered as an alternative solution. HAYLEY DEXIS revisited site to install the first set of valves, demonstrating the process to the customer’s engineers to ensure they would be competent in replacing the valves themselves. As part of the new agreement, the customer’s local Hayley branch will maintain a healthy stockholding of the new FESTO valves, further supporting the upgrade programme and future maintenance requirements.


The Result

The customer is now using modern FESTO valves which have dramatically improved the reliability of the line, preventing unplanned and costly breakdowns. The substitute valves are also considerably more cost-effective than the legacy valves previously installed, representing a site-wide purchase price saving of around £40,000. Replacement stock of the new valves has been guaranteed by HAYLEY DEXIS, meaning lead times on delivery is kept to an absolute minimum. Maintenance has been made easier for engineers following in-depth demonstrations on the fitting of valves by Hayley DEXIS. The customer was so impressed with HAYLEY DEXIS that they are now looking at opportunities to collaborate on future projects at their other UK sites.

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