The Situation
A site audit of a customer’s saw mill in Scotland had revealed that very a heavy door on an incisor application was being opened manually multiple times a day. This activity was putting unnecessary stress and strain on operator’s bodies, risking their health and wellbeing. The customer was encouraged to look at options in terms of motorising the door, and this is what lead them to contact HAYLEY DEXIS.
The Solution
HAYLEY DEXIS | Drives, the specialist gearbox and electric motor division of HAYLEY DEXIS, visited the saw mill to inspect the application and suggest a solution. Calculations were done based on appropriate speed and torque requirements. It was determined that the heavy-duty door would be best served by a NORD® helical bevel-style gearbox and an IE3 efficiency motor on a rack and pinion.
The Result
The new system, specified by a HAYLEY DEXIS | Drives specialist, has enabled the automation of the previously-manual task of opening and closing the incisor door. This has successfully improved staff wellbeing at the site, and will result in fewer worker injuries and days lost to absence. Worker’s time can also be redeployed elsewhere, on other tasks. The selection of the particular NORD® unit means that replacements can be sourced locally, providing rapid access if the customer was ever in a breakdown situation.